"Today I walked from Ages (Agees?) to
centro urbano (All this conversation was going on in Spanish). They assuered me that this was the right bus. I asked about the bus fare. They told me, but one lady insisted on paying my bus fare. We continued this conversation on the bus. What languages did I speak? They knew a bit about
Spanish Breakfasts
One thing about which I am not very enamoured is the Spanish concept of breakfast (Desayuno). Usually just breads, pan tostado or sweet breads or buns or croissants or brioches. Nothing even vaguely resembling a good cooked English breakfasy. In Logroño I was staying at a nice 3 star hotel and I went in for breakfast at 07:00. There was a nice cold breakfast buffet laid out, and on every table was a sign saying Huevos revueltos y bacon (scrambled egges and bacon). So I asked for the scrambled eggs and bacon. I quickly came to understand that this was another Si Pero No story (Yes but No). Yes there would be scramblerd eggs and bacon but not until later when the cook came in. So I had the very nice but cold breakfast buffet. And by later I was already on my way out of Logroño. In Santo Domingo de la Calzada I also stayed in a three star hotel and went in for breakfast at 08:00. Just Zumo de naranja (orange juice), cafe con leche (as always) and breads. It makes you appreciate what an advanced intellectual concept the simple Egg McMuffin is.
By the way Jean
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