Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 22 – Calzadilla de la Cueza to Sahagún

Day 22 – April 24 Calzadilla de la Cueza (Km 391) to Sahagún (Km 368) = 23 km – Cumulative 383 Km

Sahagun, Province of Leon, Castilla y Leon 08 04 24 19:17

Hi. I am pretty well caught up on my messages so this is just a check in. I am 57 km from LeonLeon. But I will walk.

Today was a perfect day for walking. Cool but sunshine and a pretty straight run of 22 km. Tomorrow will aslo be about 22 km but I expect it will be a bit harder work.

I think you should pick up 2 more boxes of the large format Band-Aids; so that would be 4 in all (times 10 in a box). They are easy to get in Milton but I cannot get them here. I can get something similar but it is not as good a design and the adhesive is too sticky. There will be 4 of us walking and that means 8 feet to take care of.

and if I wanted to cut corners I would just get on the communter train to

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