Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day 7 - Torres del Rio to Logrono

Day 7 – April 9 - Torres del Rio (Km 633) to Logrono (Km 620) = 13 km – Cumulative – 131 km

Logrono, La Rioja, Spain 08 04 09 15:29

“Today completes one full week on the Camino and I have walked 130 km from the northwest corner of Navarra to the southwest and have now entered the Comunidad of La Rioja.

I wrote a long message yesterday PM and when I went to send it the internet connection was broken. Could not save, could not print, could not send so I lost it; so I may repeat myself a bit.

I am in the municipal alburgue in Logrono. Free internet and no time limit.

I had been considering staying over in Logroño as a rest day but another event supervened. I have lost my camera. I don’t mind losing the camera itself. I have already replaced it. But the chip in the camera has all the pictures from the first week.

Last night I went to dinner with Elizabeth from BC (a retired nurse) and Tony from Barcelona (a retired informatician = a computer person). Every alburgue has a closing time, usually 10:00 PM, but most are flexible. Not this one. We got back at 10:15 and the place was locked up like a medieval fortress. Iron gates everywhere. After trying various things like trying to attract some ones attention and climbing in a second story window, we went to the police station across the road. At first they thought they might have a key but they could not find it. Then they literally burgled the place, got the door open and let us in. But in the confusion I lost track of my camera which had been in my hand. I have looked everywhere carefully and will go back to the alburgue this PM - I will leave a message but if it does not show up by tomorrow I will have to move on.”


“I went back to the alburgue fully expecting that they had not seen the
camera but they had it. Another small miracle on the Camino.

Of course now I have two cameras but in the great scheme of things that is a
minor problem. Do not bring another camera!


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