Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 20 - Boadilla del Camino to Carrion de los Condes

Day 20 – April 22 Boadilla del Camino (Km 433) to Carrion de los Condes (Km 409) – Cumulative – 343 km

“Carrion de los Condes, Province of Palencia, Castilla y Leon 08 04 22 18:06

Hi. .
Today was a good day on the Camino. Cool and with heavy overcast but little wind and no rain. I traveled 24 km from Boadilla del Camino to Carrion de los Condes.

Carrion is a town rather than a village or a hamlet and I’m in an internet cafe so the connections are pretty good today.

I am staying in a cell in the Monasterio de Santa Clara. The monastery has been turned into an alburgue for peregrinos and is a 1 star hotel with a few private rooms, the cells. It is very simple but quite adequate.

Today I walked 24 km . No hills and a good compressed gravel path. So I was able to make a pretty steady 4 km an hour. I left just as the bells were tolling 08:00 (and yes in all these small Spanish towns and villages the bells do toll the hours) and arrive at about 14:30.

Tomorrow will be a bit shorter, only 17 km. I have to stage things so there will be a place to stay when I stop. So some days are a bit longer and some shorter. I have been doing errands today. First to a farmacia to get a few extra large bandages (they are not as good as the large format Band-Aids but they will do until you get here. My feet are pretty good and I have only two bandages on my left foot and non on my right. Also I stopped into a supermercado to get a few things for lunch as the 17 km stretch tomorrow has few villages on the way. And I will pick up two new batteries for the camera. The two I had in it lasted three weeks and about 200 pictures. I have three spares with me. There are labeled super heavy duty and I checked before I left and there were good. But they do not have enough oomph for the camera. As luck would have it, I have a second camera with a fully charged and rechargeable battery. So I am using the new Sony camera and am still in the picture taking business.


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